The following will be an absolutely pathetic attempt to do a recap of the past couple of months.
Here we go!
Our 6 month anniversary past! Booyah! I'm pretty sure we are going on 8 now... but 6 months seemed significant. That day, Karl came home from work with flowers for me! I looooove flowers!!

This will serve as our Halloween section of this post... although this picture was actually taken the day before Thanksgiving. NO this is not our house. It is a house around the corner. They went all out for Halloween and decided to just leave the decorations up through Christmas. haha Maybe even for a happy New Year?

This is what we found on our doorstep one morning. Our neighborhood is flooded with stray cats and my hatred for cats is growing deeper every day! Not only do they leave their dinner on my porch... but they poop all over our backyard!!!!

Here is a picture that shows an angry Karl pointing to the cat poop I just stepped in with our sweet new croquet set we found at DI! I have found some way good stuff I plan on fixing up at DI and thrift stores but I'll save that for another post.

Early Thanksgiving morning, Karl and a couple of my brothers went to play football with some friends. I cheered him on from the sidelines. Later that day, we went to my Great Grandma McKinnon's house and feasted. After eating, we played bocce ball and kick ball. Then we got to go spend some time with the Reed family!
(See that foxy girl next to Matt? After Thanksgiving, he proposed!! They're getting married! We love her! Read about the proposal HERE) After some time with the Reeds, we spent some time with the Shaker side of the family. THEN we went and bought our first
fake Christmas tree! Thank you Walmart. We set it up that night, and I would be lying if I said I didn't get a tear in my eye when it was finished. Don't judge me. 

We spent the season drinking hot chocolate, looking at Christmas lights, spending time with family, and giving gifts. Gifts like a homemade jerky ornament for an ornament exchange at work.

And dipped pretzels!

So cute! There ended up only being enough to give to Karl's work buddies... We'll have to make more next year!

Christmas Eve, we woke up early and took family pictures for our dear friends, the Petts. They took this picture of us before we left. You can say it. We're attractive. Sleepy eyes and all.

After taking pictures, we got in the car to leave and Karl asked if I was ready to go pick up our puppy! WHAAAT! I was so excited and SO surprised!
We drove to Queen Creek and this little guy became the newest member of our little family. Karl thought of the most awesome name- Roscoe. He is sooo cute and snugly. Right after we picked him up, my family told us to meet them at the movies. Roscoe saw his first movie, Tron (stupid movie) while sitting in a purse. haha So great.

Christmas morning we opened our presents with Roscoe and then spent the rest of the day between both our families. We even got to Skype with my brother, Keaton, that's on his mission!

So... that was pretty much it. We had a great Christmas and are so happy. It's been so nice to have a break from school and get to spend some extra time together. I can't wait to see what happens next year!