Well... I graduated with my B.A. in Elementary Education. I know it's like a super big accomplishment... but right about now- I feel like big whoop. I know my mom will slap me in the face for saying that. I know it's a big deal and a great accomplishment. I just don't feel any different. I have had a great schooling/college experience. I feel like school has always come really easy for me. I'm not being boastful. I count that as a real blessing. I know school is very hard for some people. But I was able to obtain good grades to graduate in the top 10% of my class as well as graduate from college debt free. My aunt Kristi was very big on education. When she passed away, she left her money for all her nieces and nephews to obtain a 4 year degree. I am the first person to graduate and be so greatly blessed by her gift.

SO. Now what? Well. I'm not planning on teaching due to the fact that there is a baby rapidly growing inside of me, and very soon my main job will be as a mother. It didn't take me very long to realize that sitting around for the next few months would be boring and depressing. So I've applied for various part time tutoring jobs. We will see where that goes. I am also doing photography still. Besides that, I have been home. A lot. My main focus is to not eat my feelings and become obese. (Which I tend to lean towards when I'm bored.) So I decided I needed to get into an exercising routine. That's when I stumbled upon this beauty for only $4! Can you believe it!

A workout DVD for pregnant women! Holler. How perfect. I don't have to go outside where it's cold or drive to the gym. I'll just get buff and bodacious with my baby bump right on my family room floor! So far I have been really sore from it!... And keep in mind I've only done the warm up stretching part! haha Every time I do it this movie scene pops in my head.
Hahah oh man. Get's me every time!