Hello blog world. You may have noticed there is a baby the size of an eggplant inside of me. I am now a couple weeks into my 3rd and LAST trimester! I can't even believe it. 3 more months and I will be a mom. As to update my stats- according to my latest checkup a few weeks ago, I have gained a total of 7 pounds. Since I had originally lost 4 pounds from being so sick... I'd say we are making serious progress. I have another appointment in a week and I have a feeling that number will have gone up even more due to the giant bag of peanut butter m&ms Karl bought me. Baby boy is still kicking like a champion. It's so funny to have a book or something on top of my stomach and watch it move randomly. I'm feeling very tired (and perhaps extra sensitive if you ask my husband) and heartburn is a killer. It is also a bit harder to do every day things.. like bend over. Other than that, I'm going strong! In fact, I just got a part time job as a tutor! Moving on up.

(26 weeks)
Earlier this month, my parents got to host an exchange student from Australia! Meet our mate Bryce. He even got to celebrate his 17th birthday while he was visiting AZ.

My family couldn't get enough of him. We never did perfect our Aussie accents. While he was here, he got to do a lot of super fun things with his fellow exchange mates, and we got to go on adventures with him as a family as well. Here are some pictures from the night we went go kart racing.

But we did do some fun things that I could participate in... like eating! We went to AH-SO, the Japanese restaurant where they cook the food right in front of you, for dinner one night. Now that is fun had by all. My dad unfortunately was out of town for work. You can also kind of tell in this picture that we recently buzzed Karl's head. I think he looks so tough and handsome. WINK

Karl and I also got to see my older brother's band perform a couple weekends ago.

And if you could only see what we have going on now! We are making some wonderful changes to our house! Right now it's a complete disaster... but come next week, you will surely be amazed! Stay tuned.