Last week was pretty eventful....MONDAY,
my missionary, Austin Hatch, was sent to Quito, Ecuador! He is doing so great! We are 1/12 done...Isn't he fine? ;)

THURSDAY, my dad scored me and Rachel
Rashell awesome tickets to the Suns game! 11
th row!

FRIDAY, Rachel and I went with some friends to her ward costume party, and then to the Harvest Dance. I'll be honest. I was making fun of the Harvest Dance not just a few days earlier, but I had so much fun! After thinking long and hard about our costumes, Rachel decided to be a gangsta (
flava flave style), and I was an old lady. I sprayed my hair gray along with baby powder (just to get the smell right too
haha), found an old pair of glasses, put on some nylons and slipper/socks, the most perfect house coat that I believe belonged to my great grandma Suzie, and stuffed myself full of towels. Then I added some pearls of course. Just for flavor. I wish I would have recorded a video, because I had the grandma walk down! I also had the grandma dance down. We all laughed all night. Towards the end, they gathered everyone around for the costume contest. Throughout the night, people had been selected to be in the contest, and they were asked to come to the front. I turned to Rachel and gave her my grandma smirk. She knew exactly what I was up to. No, I had not been nominated...but I nominated myself! I slowly wandered up front and took my elderly stance next to the other contestants. The crowd had to cheer for each of us, and whoever they cheered the loudest for won. They narrowed it down to me, Cleopatra, and a penguin. I WON! A free
Jamba Juice and the title of being awesome. People are still calling me granny. It was such a fun night!

SUNDAY, was Stephen Chapman's farewell. He is the 2
nd to last out of 12 of my best guys to leave on a mission. So all that is left of our small group of friends took a road trip out to
Casa Grande to hear him speak. He reports Wed. for the Portland, Oregon mission.

SUNDAY NIGHT, Rachel, Melanie, and I all went over to the
Reidhead's to carve pumpkins and play some Halloween games. NICEST family ever. They didn't even make fun of me when they saw my retarded pumpkin. I'm not sure what happened. I think the knife I was working with was just too big for the small space I had to work with. But I incorporated some toothpicks to try and make any improvements I could, but then I just decided to call it an alien.

I just love this time of year!