Morgan has been one of my best friends for years! And she has also been dating this stellar guy Colten for years! They are getting married in a few months and I get to do all of their pictures! These are my favs from their engagement session.
Meagan and I were bridesmaids for Rachel's this weekend!
They were sealed in the Mesa Temple Thursday Evening
They had a dinner after the ceremony... where Rachel reminded me why she is one of my best friends when she looked at me and went cross-eyed during her 1st dance with her husband! The next day, we took a road trip to Heber to be with her at her reception there. After the reception, Rachel's new brother in law, and our friend Clayton took us out spotlighting with some of his cousins. A bird HIT US while we were driving.... and the boys decided to display it proudly upon their truck. Meanwhile... these guys sat on a couch in the back of the truck and shot jack rabbits. It was terrible! Then we drove to the top of this giant hill where you could see the whole town. Meagan and I weren't so prepared for the cold weather... After we slept at my grandparents, who so kindly made us a huge breakfast, we went horseback riding with Clayton! It was sooo much fun. Meagan and I also weren't prepared for this... so we rode in our shorts and flip flops. I eventually went barefoot. My horse, Freckles, was so stubborn! He just went where ever he wanted to. Including galloping through a field, jumping a 3 foot wall, and stopping to say hello to all the other horses. It was such a fun weekend and I'm so happy for Rachel and Jordan Reidhead!