Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Yesterday, Mr. Reed and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It was one year ago that I found my happiness.

We celebrated the day by just being together. First, we went to breakfast at TC Eggington's. After that, we went to Tempe Market Place and shopped around for a while. Karl bought me some fancy new earrings. :)
THEN! We went home and took a nap :) It was wonderful. After we were rested, we decided to go see African Cats at IMAX. How fun right? Surprise... the animals get eaten.

After the movie, we went to dinner at the Grand Lux Cafe in Scottsdale!! Ooh la la! And the BEST part is that our dinner was completely free! For my birthday a couple months ago, I entered a contest for 'Best Proposal' with The Wright House. I entered with our awesome proposal story and WON a $50 gift card to Grand Lux! Booyah achieved.

We decided to go big and order whatever we wanted. This smoothie was divine.
After dinner, we drove around Scottsdale and Phoenix for a bit. We found a nice nature walk and saw lots of other cool things. Later that night, we returned to the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix where we went for the first part of our honeymoon.

See that circle at the very top of the hotel? That is the compass room. A rotating restaurant!
It is soo fun! You get to take this elevator to the very top. As you go up, you can see outside and it goes pretty fast! I'll admit we rode it a couple times just for fun. When you get to the top, you get to have a nice window seat where you can see the city as you slowly rotate. As you go around, there are signs on the wall that tell you what you are looking at.
So we enjoyed some nice dessert and reminisced about our wedding day and our first year together.
I think this will be one of our anniversary traditions.

It was such a fun day and a perfect year. Everyone always says the first year is the hardest... but I honestly never felt like it was 'hard'. I love Karl so much and we have such a great relationship. I'm so glad I married him 1 year ago and can't wait to see what the years to come will bring. I'm sure I'll be smiling just as big.

Friday, May 6, 2011

El Living Room



Roscoe decided he wanted to be in the picture too! haha

What's up $15 dollar couch!!!
Hello $5 mirror... let me give you a make over!

(I forgot to take a 'before' picture of the mirror... but luckily this lady did! Thank you google.)

I really liked the green color... but it's not what I needed for this room. So Voila!
I think Roscoe approves.

A special shout out to my friend Meagan for her inspiration, motivation, determination.... perspiration... all those good -ations.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

1 Week....

Next weekend will be our 1 year anniversary! (awww) Am I mistaken... or are anniversary's not a big deal? I at least think year #1 should be. And then like maybe #10..#25... and #50 of course. So on our blessed one year anniversary, we will have an entire day together. An entire day to do fun and romantic things! The only problem is... we don't know what any fun or romantic things are. It's not that we are boring... we just lack creativity. Lately our nights out have consisted of eating food. Naturally... for our anniversary we thought of going to a nice restaurant. But I think we can do better than that. Or at least more than that. SO... if anyone has any fun ideas of cool things to do or places to see (that doesn't cost a ton of money) let me know!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Graduation Announcement

Look at this cute graduation announcement I designed! It's my favorite so far!