For the first half of Halloween, I was a scarecrow along with all the other first grade teachers. My mentor teacher is the one in the glasses. She's #1! It was such a fun day. The kids looked awesome in their costumes, and the school even did a little parade. It was so fun.

After school, I transformed myself into a horrible, disgusting Nazi zombie. For those of you who don't know, there is this game... It's known as Zombies. I am not sure of the real name. I think it's connected to Call of Duty? Not important. What IS important is to know what a big deal this game is to my family. More specifically, the males of the family. Every one of the boys (including and maybe even mostly my father) plays this game. The females of the family all think it's a big joke and semi despise the game. In the game, soldiers (like my brave husband) try and fight Nazi zombies as well as zombie dogs who happen to be on fire. SO. I thought it would be funny if I dressed as a Nazi zombie and Karl wore his X Box headset/controller all night. And since the game includes fiery zombie dogs, we thought we would let Roscoe join in on the fun. Rest assured we aren't usually the 'dress up your dog' type.

Like Roscoe's flames? He may not look like he's having any fun, but he was super excited to be part of it. I'm serious.

My brother Mat dressed up as Elliot from E.T. with E.T. himself and Kaelin was the black swan. I was very impressed.

It was a very fun night. We got to spend time with family, eat candy, homemade chili, candy! But I must say... thank goodness it's over. Next stop... Christmas Town. (You may be thinking to yourself, "But Kacey. Thanksgiving comes before Christmas?" Well. Not in this house. They shall be combined!!)