I'm sure you are all curious what my big special date was! I shall tell you.
Friday night, I caught Karl talking all sly to my brother, Matt. So I figured that Matt and his female, Kaelin, were joining us! I knew for sure when I saw their car following us. Still.... Kaelin and I had no idea what they were up to!
Our first stop was at a thrift store. They tried to make us wear gross and smelly scarves. I was so confused. There I was, standing in the middle of a thrift store in the fanciest clothes I could come up with. We were slightly in a hurry and slightly refusing to wear anything they threw at us... so we left empty handed and continued on our way. Karl assured me our uncooperativeness would not ruin any plans.
As we continued driving, we ran into some crazy traffic. I'm thinking- "Oh no! We are going to be late! (For where ever we were going) Karl! Pull around all this nonsense!" I felt silly as I realized all this traffic was going to the same place we were!
As we turned a corner, I saw it. Gammage! I squealed "Are we going to see a play!?!" Karl smiled but still refused to tell me which play it was!
It took forever to park, so in order for us to get there in time, Kaelin and I took off our heals and we all ran to the entrance. We got in just in time and as they handed us our programs, I finally figured out we were going to see Beauty and The Beast! I squealed again. haha
The play was so great and it was such a fun night!

Sophisticated, babe.

Afterwards, we all went to dinner at Olive Garden! One of my favorites!
*So why were we at a thrift store?? The guys thought it would be funny to get even more ritzier. They were in search of fancy things for us and a handkerchief for their suit pockets or maybe even an eye-glass.... Fail.