I had such a great birthday! Austin's mom the lovely Kay Hatch started it off Friday night with these beautiful flowers and a target gift card. (She knows me oh so well) I guess we will give Don some credit for "investigating" when my birthday was.

Then at midnight, I was on a happy birthday call from Kari Pett and Chelsey Walbeck when Keaton and his little friend came in with all kinds of birthday wishes and began taking pictures of my new 20 yr old self.

Keaton "Doesn't this one just scream 'I'm 20!?'" hahaha
Bright and early the next morning, I was greeted with plenty of birthday calls/texts... some I wasn't so awake for... sorry Grandma. haha I don't remember anything you said but I'm sure it was great.

Then my mom and G were super anxious for me to open my present from my mom. She truly outdid herself. She created a book of all mine and Austin's pictures. My own little fairytale! And on the back it says 'to be continued...' Get it? Because we are to be continued! haha I love it!

My mom also snatched all my mail this month so on my birthday I had letters from my friends on missions :D

My favorite letter of course... was actually an email from Elder Boyfriend. It was so fun to be able to hear from him on my birthday.

Miss Meagan Douglas took me out to breakfast at Crackers and Co! Once again we got asked if we were related or twins.

And they gave me the largest brownie known to mankind.
Then this little beauty Rachel Rashelle planned a whole dinner at BJ's for a bunch of friends.

My brothers are always VERY thoughtful on my birthday.
Matt got me a movie and a SINGING High School Musical Card. How did he know!?
Keaton added this lovely butterfly he made in his stained glass class to the flowers from Kay. I don't think I'm allowed to keep it though. haha

Jake gave me an autographed picture of himself. I'm the luckiest girl ever.
Little G made me this cake!

(No frosting? No problem. Garrison knows where we keep the food coloring!)
AND he made me the cutest little card that had 20 reasons why he's glad I'm his sister. It's much better with his handwriting and spelling.. but I'll give you the list.
1. You're fun
2. You're funny
3. You are smart and have good ideas.
4. cause
5. You help me when I need
6. You cheer me up
7. You love me
8 . Good photographer
9. Stays up with me when I'm scared
10. You play the wii with me and Jake
11. You're nice
12. You're active
13. is good at picking out boyfriends
14. You drive me where I need to do
15. You buy fun movies
(no 16...)
17. You make good dinner
18. Helps Dad feel better
19. Helps Mom when she's sick
20. I'm your favorite brother and I love you being in my family
I think my favorite reasons are 4 and 13. haha
It was such a fun day and thanks to everyone who had a part of it!