Monday, October 4, 2010

Grocery Shopping=Death

Grocery Shopping. I just hate it. Every week, you get in your hot car, drive to the store, spend an hour or so roaming up and down the isles trying to stay within your budget. (Take the cheese balls back out of the cart...) Then, you unload everything you just put in your cart to have them scan it and put it back into your cart. Then you take that cart full of groceries you just paid for and unload them once again into your hot, black car. Once you have arrived home, you quickly unload them out of your car before everything melts (I swear I get home with one giant glob of cheese that used to be shredded). But alas. This is not the last time you will be unloading those dreaded groceries. Once you carry them all the way up the stairs in the hot heat to your apartment, you one more time unload those groceries into their appropriate storage locations throughout your kitchen. THEN... you are done. Until next week....

Today was Monday. Grocery day. I walked outside with my prepared list to find a pleasantly dark, grey sky and a cool breeze. It was only like 90 degrees people! How glorious. Or so I thought. Every once in a while, Arizona decides to rain. Today was that every once in a while. Today. Grocery day. Rain. Me. My hair.

I didn't have an umbrella... nor was I wearing what appears to be a cute, blue dress. I did have shoes though.... the point it is what raining HARD as I went through the process of unloading and unloading and unloading those groceries with a periodic "Are you kidding me??" BUT.... at least it wasn't hot.
I still hate grocery shopping.


Anonymous said...

haha. it is probably true, i feel you.

Karen said...

Oh I feel the same way about grocery shopping ... do not like it one bit. But you won't have stairs or heat for long! Hoopty!

chelsea :: stock said...

i love going to the store... it's the only consistent outing I get every week!

but I have to say... being able to park in a garage and carry my groceries directly in my house is the best thing to ever happen to me.

hopefully you will able to do that soon!

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Morgan Borgia said...

I love that you mentioned CHEESE BALLS! Cheese balls always remind me of your family. i swear you guys had a life time supply...mmm cheese balls.