On my birthday weekend, Karl and I went to the glorious Ikea where I walked away with these lovelies. I have wanted jars like these for a long time, but they are always like $10 plus! At Ikea, they were only a few dollars each. Booyah.

Oh? Jars to hold some common household ingredients? Sure. But how will I ever be able to tell what is in each jar?!

Good thing I got these little vinyl chalkboard tags for $1 each! Crisis averted.

I also hung this old shutter on our wall today and I love it. It makes me smile every time I walk by. Here are pictures of different ways you can see it walking by. You're welcome.

(Fun shots from the photo booth at Mat & Kaelin's wedding this weekend!)

While I was loading these pics I stumbled upon these from a few months ago... thus why Roscoe is so itty bitty. I wish he was still that small.

Roscoe knows what "grill" means! It means he gets to hang out with Karl and get meat tossed to him.

My boys!

I also cleaned the whole house today. Can you tell I'm avoiding homework? Spring break could not come any faster! Now I'm back to laundry.