Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh dear...

Look who I found hanging out in the forest!

Tomorrow morning, I will go see my older brother marry the love of his life for time and all eternity. We have all been so excited for this wedding to come and now it is finally here! I could not be happier to have Kaelin as the first new sister to enter the Shaker house. She is just about as perfect for us as she is for Mat.
However... tonight I can't help but feel sad. My family is all grown up! Less than a year ago there were 5 of us kids all hanging out at home and after tomorrow, there will only be 2! I can't imagine how my parents are coping. Growing up with 4 brothers was seriously the best. I love each of them so much. I feel like Mat and I have always had a special bond. I am so happy for him and am sure I will be crying my eyes out tomorrow (joyfully). But I'll never forget the times we had when we were little.

Congratulations Mat and welcome to the family Kaelin! Go fight win!


chelsea :: stock said...

lovely couple. almost as lovely as that forest..

Karen said...

Oh little Kacey. Your parents are coping just fine ... because you're all at our house ... every day ... with your spouses! It's our dream actually!