This past semester, I took
gym as one of my classes...requiring me to spend
40 hours working out. Have you guys seen my
biceps recently ;) haha jk But really. It was good for me...and now that I'm not forced to exercise...I haven't been. Needless to say my
endorphins have been somewhat
lacking.... SO tonight, I convinced my mom to go for a
walk with me despite this
random weather. Since we were both born and raised in the great city of
Mesa, we feared the
dreadful 50 degree weather outside! We knew if we didn't want to get frostbite or pneumonia, we would need to
bundle up. We put on
every winter item we owned and stepped outside. What the
rain? No big deal... we'll just get our umbrellas. Turns out we only own one. So I improvised with a
giant yellow umbrella we used for shade at the boy's football games. Knowing how
ridiculous we looked, we couldn't stop giggling as we
strolled down the street spinning our umbrellas to get HOT chocolate from the Hot Chocolate Market... aka Chevron.

Little do you know we each have long johns and 2 heavy coats on!

This is us looking "cold"... I think we look like we are about to be sick... haha

My mom couldn't decide if she was Marry Poppins or a gangster... so her accent varied throughout the night.

This is the BEST house on our street. Maybe because it's the only house with lights outside... But they do it every year and it's always awesome.

Thanks for the stroll Mom!