This will be my
last semester at
MCC! As you can see...
^ ... It's been a very
enlightening past year and a half... (I'll be selling more than
half those books back tomorrow... haha) I'm kinda
sad though. I'll miss
MCC... and I'm a tad freaked out about going to
ASU. But I think this is going to be
the best semester.
MWF 7:30 to 8:20 am I have
Bio 109 - Natural History of the SW. We will be studying
plants and
animals... doesn't sound super exciting right? BUT. We will be going on
field trips and
camping! Need I say more? My teacher is this
tiny lady that is the
biggest nerd but you can tell she's
proud of it. She is super
excited about
everything, and I think that's what I need that
early or I would fall
asleep... like last semester.
MWF 8:30-9:20 am I have the lab for my
Biology class. The room is filled
snakes and
spiders. Which is no
big deal because it's not like my
2 biggest fears are snakes and spiders... oh. Wait. Yes they are!
MWF 10-10:50 am I have
EDU 230- Cultural Diversity in Education. I've already had this teacher for another class, so I've got his
system down. I only have to do
20 hours of service learning in an elm. classroom this time. I think that will be the
best part though.
TR 9-10:15 am I have
MAT157- Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. My teacher is named Mrs. Appel. Like
Apple. As in bring an apple for your teacher. ha. She's
super nice. And so is everyone in the class. Particulaly this
old guy that sits in front of me who
prefers to wear
tank tops with the
large swoop for the arm hole. Allowing me to see
everything from his
hairy back to his
hairy stomach. He likes to make himself comfortable and lean back on my desk as well... What a
distraction. haha And I definitely need to
focus in this class. It's all review and teaching me how to actually teach the math concepts I'm reviewing... but I'd be lieing if I said I didn't ask my
7th grader brother for
help on my hw today... haha
And I'm also taking
CSF 205- Child development
Online. I really am so
excited to be back in school. I've met a lot of nice people and it's nice to be
busy and prodcutive again. The days are already going by so much
faster! Of course I'll let you know how I feel again in