Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I turn my back for 2 seconds.....

For real?? I got him back by putting a price tag sticker on his smashed little face that drove him crazy for a good 5 minutes.
Roscoe is a tad bipolar. In the morning.... he is either such a bum that he is too lazy to even get up and eat or he is so hyper that he wont let you sleep another minute! By late morning... he is calm and will quietly follow you anywhere or sleep on your lap. By late afternoon... he is so hyper that there is no taming him... hence the yarn incident. But if I can survive past 6... I can count on him crashing and sleeping the rest of the night. This is just like motherhood, right guys??


Amy Legler said...

Bwahahahahahahahhahaaha just wait till you have kids..........I can't tell you how many times I've jumped in the shower for 3 min (yes, I can fully shower in 3 min flat now) and I come out to cereal being thrown from one end of the living room to the other...............or shall we use right now as a prime example....before I finished typing about the shower, I hear Garrett dump out an entire box of saltine oyster this comment has now taken me 15 min to write.

Anonymous said...


Tina McKinnon said...

You pretty much got the program down! Motherhood is anything but boring!

The Big Boys Blog said...

If this were facebook I would have liked this 1000 times