I am now 14 weeks (That's just over 3 months people... I always hated when people would answer me in weeks and not months when I asked how far along they were. But now I know every week counts! You can't say 3 months if you're 3 months and 1 week... please). I am just barely starting to show... and that's mostly when my stomach is also filled with food. Here at 14 weeks, I am still surrounded by pregnant women and their large pregnant bellies. Except now, their bellies seem extra large. Like- you've gotta be kidding- large. As in- no way my belly is going to be able to stretch that big- large! What I used to envy, I am now a little freaked out over. In fact, I was googling images of pregnant bellies to add to this post but I had to stop because it was really bothering me! So sorry... this is a picture-free post.
I like the idea of starting to show because it means I am really pregnant. I will really get to have a sweet little baby. However.... You've gotta be kidding me. I'm so nervous. I'm nervous that I'll never get my body back. Now I'm not saying that I have some super model body, but I like how capable my body is. I am strong and healthy and comfortable in this body. I think staying strong and healthy is important... but I guess comfort is something I will have to give up. At least for a little while.
I can't wait to have a baby and be a mother. But I think I can wait a little longer before I stretch so big it looks like I'm about to burst. Yikes. Here's to the second trimester.