Karl and I had always planned to wait until I had graduated to start having kids. It was really important to both of us that I got my degree. Knowing my family history, I knew pregnancy during school would not be simple. My mother was attached to an IV for 9 months and most of my aunts puked their guts out. I knew I would be no exception. The summer before my FINAL semester of school... Karl and I decided our plan was wrong. We knew it was time to start our family. By the end of that summer, we were expecting our first little one. When talking to my mom about how "we just knew this was the right time", I was laughed at. She remembered what was coming. Only a couple weeks into my last semester of school, student teaching full time, I was forced to remember. Oh ya. Morning sickness. No wait. All day-I'm sure this is how I die-sickness. I would give my mentor teacher a look of panic, run to the bathroom, throw up, then come back and continue teaching. After weeks of this, a desperate trip to Urgent Care was needed. I was put on an IV and given magical pills. Yes. Magical. Since now, a month later, I have yet to throw up. Cha-ching! Although I am still not myself, (don't you dare mention certain foods around me) I would consider myself 100x better.
Now that my nausea is under control, I think the hardest part has been not feeling like a slacker. You see, with a new thing making me gag each day, it has been impossible for me to cook meals or even do ordinary chores around the house. As soon as I get home, all I want to do is sleep. I realize this is 'normal'. But I don't like it. Nor does my filthy home.
Today I managed to do the dishes for the week. Hold your applause. I must say this weather has been slightly motivating to me. I love being able to leave my doors open and feel the cool air and listen to the sounds of our neighborhood. I would be lying if I said I haven't had Christmas music on non-stop too.

So I think I am learning about doing whatever works for right now. I am taking things one day at a time. I have now made it to October break and will have a week to relax! I'm well on my way to obtaining my degree and motherhood. Can I get a what-what!
You are one awesomely smart girl! I sure luv ya!
Congrats! Glad the magic pills worked for you. You'll be a great mama.
i love this post. so excited for you and kreed!
that is one good looking fetus!
I agree with Morgan ... that is one of the best looking fetuses I've ever seen. And the grand-nugget looks divine.
P.S. I didn't laugh at you, I merely laugh in intense situations. This is intense!
yay!! congratulations! so happy for you. I loved the magical pills too. I threw up every day until Mason was born but Zofran made it possible to get through the day. good luck!
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